The original WATT/Puppy underwent a total of eight evolutions from 1986-2011. These eight iterations utilized a variety of materials, each strategically integrated and available during their respective development periods. Each evolution of material usage pushed the boundaries of what was achievable in loudspeaker capabilities at the time.
In the early years, Puppy (subwoofer cabinet) enclosures employed a laminated 60-lbs version of High-Density Fiberboard (HDF), while the WATT (top/mid cabinet) incorporated Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA).
Thirteen years after the retirement of Series 8, The WATT/Puppy now is constructed with the most refined versions of X-Material for the internal bracing and external enclosure, S-Material for midrange coupling to the front WATT baffle, and V-Material for the top of the Puppy, serving as the vibration-sink interface for the WATT.
Each of these unique materials is meticulously chosen for its specific performance characteristics, whether in the realms of vibration control or sound reproduction. This commitment to material excellence is one of many elements that ensures The WATT/Puppy delivers the best audio quality possible for this relatively compact design.